Kit List 2023

All year round the children need to have suitable indoor footwear that they will NOT wear whilst outdoors. Non marking plimsolls, pumps, slippers or crocs are all suitable for this purpose. Please ensure that all items in this list are clearly labeled.

A complete set of spare clothes is required all year round, and a carrier bag for the dirty clothes to be placed in.

During the winter months, children should come prepared to each session with:

  • Wooly hat and scarf
  • Waterproof gloves
  • Warm Waterproof coat with hood
  • Waterproof trousers
  • Fleece/ sweatshirt
  • Wellies, waterproof walking boots or waterproof sturdy shoes

*Waterproofs are much better as two separate items

Clothing Layers are very important in the winter months and when wearing wellies, all children need warm thick socks inside, perhaps two pairs, as although wellies are waterproof they do not insulate the feet.

In the summer months, children will need to come prepared to each session with:

  • Sun hat
  • Suitable sun screen. To be applied before by parent or other, to be reapplied by Diggers staff after lunch for those children in attendance all day long.
  • A thin, long sleeved top x2
  • Trousers x 2(long and NOT shorts)
  • Wellies, sturdy shoes, walking boots
  • A waterproof coat and trousers
  • Pants, socks
  • Jumper or cardigan

This clothing list applies to everybody involved in Diggers Forest School and is important for a number of safety reasons. Long sleeved T- shirts and long trousers are essential, even in hot weather.  Diggers are then completely protected from sunburn, insects and stinging nettles etc. Unfortunately SHORTS cannot be worn except inside the school building.

IMPORTANT:  Please be aware that sandals/ flip flops are never suitable for Forest School, and that not wearing appropriate clothing may be a barrier to participation.